Payment data requirements at checkout
Depending on the architectural options available in an e-commerce platform, Forter's extension can be installed to provide a decision pre-auth (prior to the e-commerce platform sending the payment data to the payment processor) or post-auth (after the e-commerce platform has received an authorization response from the payment processor).
Pre-Authorization Payment Requirements
Pre-Authorization Flows require payment data including:
Credit Card
- Bin (or Token)
- LastFour Digits
- Name On Card
- Expiration year
- Expiration Month
- Payer Email or (PayerId)
- Payer ID
- payment Method
If you're unable to provide any of these payment data points pre-authorization, please reach out to your Forter SC so that Forter can adjust accordingly.
Post-Authorization Payment Requirements
Post-Authorization Flows include information about the payment method AS WELL as the authorization response from the payment processor. Orders where payment was rejected by the processor (No Auth orders) should still be sent to Forter if they are available in the platform so that Forter can include the order attempts in their models. NoAuth orders will always receive a "not reviewed" decision from Forter. The required Post-Auth data includes:
Credit Card
- Bin (or Token)
- LastFour Digits
- Name On Card
- Expiration year
- Expiration Month
- Authorization Code
- Processor Response Code
- AVS Result Code
- Cvv Result Code
- Processor Response Text
- Payer Email or (PayerId)
- Payer ID
- Payment Method
- Payment Status
- Payer Status
- Paypal payment ID
Updated 2 months ago