
Webhooks provide a way to configure Forter to send real-time notifications to your web store server or another service (ERP/OMS) whenever certain events occur in Forter's system.

Webhooks are HTTPS POST messages which are delivered to a destination URL of your choice. You simply tell us where to send them. Then, each time an event occurs, we send a message to your specified endpoint with the details related to the event.


To acknowledge receipt of a webhook, your endpoint should return a 200 HTTP status code. Any other information you return in the request headers or request body will be ignored. Any response code outside the 2xx range, including 3xx codes, will indicate to Forter that you did not receive the webhook. This does mean that a URL redirection or a "Not Modified" response will be treated as a failure

When a webhook is not successfully received for any reason, Forter will continue trying to send the webhook a few times with an increasing interval over the next hour.

Configuring Your Webhooks

Webhooks are configured in the Integration Center section of the portal, under Tools. Clicking 'Add webhook' reveals a form to add a new URL endpoint where you want to receive the notifications.

Before going live, test that your webhook is working properly. You can do so by sending test events from this settings page. Note that as these are fake test events; They will not map to real transactions.

Webhook endpoints may occasionally receive the same event more than once due to network issues. We advise you to guard against duplicated event receipts by making your event processing idempotent. One way of doing this is logging the events you've processed, and then not processing already-logged events.

Note that in the case of parent-child site structures with Forter, a webhook set up on a child site will be sent with the Site ID of the parent site and the secret key from the parent site should be used for verification.

Available Notifications

Account Update

Decision Update

Order Status Update

Compensation Request Update