An introduction to Forter's API Documentation

API Reference

Forter's APIs can be leveraged for a variety of use cases throughout the user journey. The API reference documentation includes synchronous API endpoints for real-time decisions as well as supplementary APIs used to provide Forter with subsequent status updates after Forter has provided a binary decision and/or recommendation.

The Forter API differs for every merchant account as we release new versions and tailor functionality and each merchants available data. To view your specific API schema and data requirements, log into your Forter portal account.


Please send all API requests to a dedicated path for your account, by appending your Site ID to the beginning of the URL.



All requests to Forter’s APIs must be made over HTTPS. In order to authenticate, include both the Site ID and API Key, which can be found in Credentials, in the request headers. Forter uses Basic Authentication credentials in the form of a username and password, where the API key is the username and the password is empty.

Note that your Site ID and API Key are different for your Forter test site and production site.

curl -X POST "https://{site-id}{endpoint}"
      -u "{api-key}:"
      -H "api-version: 10.1"
      -H "content-type: application/json"
      -H "x-forter-siteid: {site-id}"






String Required
Basic Authentiation in the form of a username and password. Use the API Key as the username and leave the password empty. For example Basic <base64-encoded-api-key:>


String Required
Specify the version of the API to target. For example 10.1


String Required
Value should be application/json


String Required
Forter-assigned ID for your account. Note that your Site ID for your test site is different from your production site.


For Element customers, include the Forter-assigned ID for your sub-merchants when sending an API request on their behalf. When you register a merchant with Forter using the Merchant API endpoint, the response will include an id value to be included in this header.


Set the value to true when performing load/stress tests in your sandbox environment. Requests sent with this header will be excluded from Forter’s decision dashboard.

HTTP Codes

Forter uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that resulted from the provided information, while codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with Forter's servers.



200,201, 204

Everything worked as expected.


Bad Request
Not accepted, usually due to missing a required parameter.


The API key does not have permissions for this request.


Not Found
The requested item doesn't exist.


Too Many Requests
Recent requests have exceeded rate limits.


Internal Server Error
Something went wrong on Forter's side.


In order to prevent connection failovers due to internet network failures on the way, please limit the HTTP requests timeout to 2 seconds.


In the event of exceptions from our API we advise merchants to retry once and afterward to capture the money and resend the transaction to Forter at a later stage.

Load Testing

Your test site is limited to 10 RPS. Requests beyond this limit will result in a 429 error code. You can exceed this rate limit by including the header x-forter-disable-persistence = true in your load test requests. Requests made with this header will not be visible in Forter’s decision dashboard, so you should not include this header in real production requests.

TLS Session Reuse

For low-latency applications, every millisecond counts. One common source of unnecessary latency is the repeated TLS handshake process when making API requests. If your application does not reuse TLS sessions, it incurs extra latency and computational overhead for every new connection. To mitigate this, we strongly recommend implementing TLS session reuse and connection pooling.

Response Handling

API requests made with your test Site ID will return a randomized decision. In order to test your response handling, you can trigger a specific decision or recommendation by using a specific email address as the customer’s email, a specific credit card number as the payment method, and/or a specific IP address.

Fraud Management

Customer EmailOrder v3 Response
[email protected]"forterDecision": "APPROVE"
[email protected]"forterDecision": "DECLINE"
[email protected]"forterDecision": "NOT_REVIEWED"

3DS Recommendation

Customer EmailOrder v3 Response
[email protected]"forterDecision": "DECLINE", "recommendation": "VERIFICATION_REQUIRED_3DS_CHALLENGE"
[email protected]"forterDecision": "DECLINE", "recommendation": "VERIFICATION_REQUIRED_3DS_CHALLENGE"
[email protected]"forterDecision": "APPROVE", "recommendation": "REQUEST_SCA_EXEMPTION_TRA"
[email protected]"forterDecision": "APPROVE", "recommendation": "REQUEST_SCA_EXEMPTION_LOW_VALUE"
[email protected]"forterDecision": "APPROVE", "recommendation": "REQUEST_SCA_EXEMPTION_CORP"
[email protected]"forterDecision": "APPROVE", "recommendation": "REQUEST_SCA_EXEMPTION_TRUSTED_BENEFICIARY"
[email protected]"forterDecision": "APPROVE", "recommendation": "REQUEST_SCA_EXCLUSION_ONE_LEG_OUT"
[email protected]"forterDecision": "APPROVE", "recommendation": "REQUEST_SCA_EXCLUSION_MOTO"
[email protected]"forterDecision": "APPROVE", "recommendation": "REQUEST_SCA_EXCLUSION_ANONYMOUS"

3DS Execution

No challenge required
Credit Card3DS Result Response
5222220000000005"forterDecision": "APPROVE", "verificationMethod": { "status": "FRICTIONLESS" }
4111110000001142"forterDecision": "APPROVE", "verificationMethod": { "status": "ATTEMPTED" }
4000000000001992"forterDecision": "DECLINE", "verificationMethod": { "status": "FRICTIONLESS_NOT_AUTHENTICATED" }
5200000000000031"forterDecision": "DECLINE", "verificationMethod": { "status": "FRICTIONLESS_BANK_REJECT" }
5200000000001336"forterDecision": "DECLINE", "verificationMethod": { "status": "FRICTIONLESS_TECHNICAL_ISSUE" }

Challenge executed

Credit Card

3DS Result Response


Use code 1234 in the challenge window

"forterDecision": "APPROVE",  
"verificationMethod": {  
  "status": "AUTHENTICATED"  


Use code 1234 in the challenge window

"forterDecision": "APPROVE",  
"verificationMethod": {  
  "status": "NOT_AUTHENTICATED"  


Use code 4567 in the challenge window

"forterDecision": "DECLINE",  
"verificationMethod": {  
  "status": "NOT_AUTHENTICATED"  


Use code 1234 in the challenge window

"forterDecision": "DECLINE",  
"verificationMethod": {  


Use code 1234 in the challenge window

"forterDecision": "DECLINE",  
"verificationMethod": {  


Customer EmailSignup, Login, Profile Access Response
[email protected]"forterDecision": "APPROVE"
[email protected]"forterDecision": "DECLINE"
[email protected]"forterDecision": "NOT_REVIEWED"
[email protected]"forterDecision": "VERIFICATION_REQUIRED", "recommendation": "EMAIL_VERIFICATION"
[email protected]"forterDecision": "VERIFICATION_REQUIRED", "recommendation": "SMS_VERIFICATION"

IP AddressSignup, Login, Profile Access Response"forterDecision": "APPROVE""forterDecision": "DECLINE""forterDecision": "NOT_REVIEWED""forterDecision": "VERIFICATION_REQUIRED", "recommendation": "EMAIL_VERIFICATION""forterDecision": "VERIFICATION_REQUIRED", "recommendation": "SMS_VERIFICATION"