Adaptive Auth Transaction API - Smart Payments Execution

Adaptive Auth Transaction API Overview

The Adaptive Auth Transaction API returns a real-time decision and recommendation (when applicable)to execute 3DS or PSD2. While the request body format for the AA Transaction API is identical to the Validation API, the Response Body fields are formatted slightly differently.

Pre-Auth Adaptive Auth Transaction API Request

The Adaptive Auth Transaction API is used to provide Forter with all relevant data points that will help Forter determine whether the entity conducting the transaction/engagement is legitimate or fraudulent. In the case of 3DS/PSD2 Recommendations, Forter will also return a recommendation for applicable customer transactions.

Key Data points include:

  • orderID - the unique identifier for the order in your system
  • Account Data - Information collected about the account owner such as the account owner name, email, etc..
  • Authorization Step - an indicator that the API is being called prior to authorization
  • Cyber Intelligence data used to detect suspicious device manipulation, suspicious connection manipulations, and suspicious buyer browsing behavior
  • Payment Data such as Credit card BIN, last 4, expiration date ( Note - Forter is PCI DSS Level 1 Certified and does NOT collect the full credit card)
  • Billing Address details (when applicable)
  • Recipient details such as name, address, phone and email
  • Cart Item Data - details about the goods being purchased. Note some item data will depend on the Vertical of the merchant (e.g. travel items contain different data than apparel items)

In the case of a Pre-auth integration, Forter can return a decision and a recommendation prior to the PSP/gateway authorizing the payment.

The API response will contain Forter's decision and applicable recommendations (for policy enforcement / 3DS or PSD2)

Forter may ask the merchant to make an additional API call post-auth in order to provide an updated decision after supplemental data such as AVS/CVV check and 3DS data are available

  "orderId": "171abcde",
  "authorizationStep": "PRE_AUTHORIZATION",
  "orderType": "WEB",
  "primaryDeliveryDetails": {
    "deliveryType": "PHYSICAL",
    "deliveryMethod": "USPS - Ground Mail",
    "delayedDeliveryDate": "2022-12-15",
    "expectedDeliveryDate": "2022-12-22",
    "smsUpdates": true,
    "deliveryPrice": {
      "amountUSD": "99.95"
    "waitToShipTogether": true,
    "trackingExtraCharge": {
      "amountUSD": "99.95"
    "leaveOutside": true,
    "carrier": "USPS",
    "deliveryComments": "Please call before arriving, Thanks!"
  "cartItems": [
      "basicItemData": {
        "name": "White GenericBrand handbag",
        "price": {
          "amountUSD": "99.95"
        "type": "TANGIBLE",
        "quantity": 1,
        "category": "Apparel and accessories",
        "productIdType": "SKU",
        "discount": {
          "couponCodeUsed": "FATHERSDAY2015",
          "discountType": "COUPON"
        "productId": "Ag54352R7768kkO",
        "id": "342S5453Gy"
      "itemSpecificData": {
        "physicalGoods": {
          "customDesign": true,
          "wrapAsGift": true,
          "size": "7.5"
        "personalCustomization": true
      "created": 1415273168
  "primaryRecipient": {
    "personalDetails": {
      "firstName": "John",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "fullName": "John Smith",
      "suffix": "Jr.",
      "prefix": "Mr.",
      "middleInitials": "R. H."
    "phone": [
        "updateTimes": {
          "creationTime": 1448549922,
          "removalTime": 1448895522
        "phone": "15557654321",
        "phoneType": "HOME"
    "address": {
      "country": "US",
      "updateTimes": {
        "creationTime": 1448549922,
        "removalTime": 1448895522
      "addressType": "HOME",
      "zip": "94104",
      "address1": "235 Montgomery st.",
      "address2": "Ste. 1110",
      "region": "CA",
      "city": "San Francisco"
  "checkoutTime": 1415273168,
  "connectionInformation": {
    "customerIP": "",
    "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.73 Safari/537.36",
    "forterTokenCookie": "2315688945984",
    "merchantDeviceIdentifier": "HGJ7512345H3",
    "fullHeaders": "{\\\"method\\\":\\\"GET \\/ HTTP\\/1.1\\\", \\\"Host\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"Connection\\\": \\\"keep-alive\\\", \\\"Accept\\\": ...}"
  "timeSentToForter": 1415287568000,
  "totalAmount": {
    "amountUSD": "99.95"
  "payment": [
      "amount": {
        "amountUSD": "99.95"
      "billingDetails": {
        "personalDetails": {
          "firstName": "John",
          "lastName": "Smith",
          "fullName": "John Smith"
        "phone": [
            "updateTimes": {
              "creationTime": 1448549922,
              "removalTime": 1448895522
            "phone": "15557654321",
            "phoneType": "HOME",
            "phoneExt": "1001"
        "address": {
          "country": "US",
          "updateTimes": {
            "creationTime": 1448549922,
            "removalTime": 1448895522
          "addressType": "HOME",
          "zip": "94104",
          "address1": "235 Montgomery st.",
          "address2": "Ste. 1110",
          "region": "CA",
          "city": "San Francisco"
      "creditCard": {
        "creditCardCorrelationId": "2022-09-16T200920526-eb7f9e9d-v3",
        "bin": "42424242",
        "expirationMonth": "03",
        "verificationResults": {
          "authorizationCode": "A33244",
          "processorResponseCode": "D23",
          "avsFullResult": "Y",
          "processorResponseText": "authorised",
          "avsZipResult": "M",
          "cvvResult": "M"
        "lastFourDigits": "4242",
        "expirationYear": "2018",
        "nameOnCard": "John R. H. Smith",
        "countryOfIssuance": "US",
        "cardType": "CREDIT",
        "cardBank": "Chase",
        "paymentProcessorData": {
          "processorName": "Braintree",
          "processorMerchantId": "ncxwe5490asjdf",
          "processorTransactionId": "fjdsS46sdklFd20"
        "cardBrand": "VISA",
        "paymentGatewayData": {
          "authorizationStep": "pre-authorization",
          "gatewayTransactionId": "fjdsS46sdklFd20",
          "gatewayName": "Braintree",
          "gatewayMerchantId": "ncxwe5490asjdf",
        "threeDSecure": {
          "execute3ds": "DYNAMIC_FORTER_DECISION",
          "threeDSServerTransID": "4bg93513-f9b4-43bf-8b76-2dd523a1e858",
          "threeDSEncodedMobileAppSDKData": null
        "fullResponsePayload": {}
  "customerAccountData": {
    "customerEngagement": {},
    "statusChangeBy": "MERCHANT_ADMIN",
    "merchantAccountStatus": "open",
    "statusChangeReason": "user violation of coupon abuse policy",
    "historicalIPData": [
        "ip": "",
        "updateTimes": {
          "creationTime": 1448549922,
          "removalTime": 1448895522
    "type": "BUSINESS",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "orderHistory": [
        "status": "SENT",
        "basicItemData": {
          "name": "White GenericBrand handbag",
          "price": {
            "amountUSD": "99.95"
          "type": "TANGIBLE",
          "quantity": 1,
          "category": "Apparel and accessories",
          "productIdType": "SKU",
          "discount": {
            "couponCodeUsed": "FATHERSDAY2015",
            "discountType": "COUPON"
          "productId": "Ag54352R7768kkO",
          "id": "342S5453Gy"
        "orderTime": 1415273168
    "registrationIP": ""
  "accountOwner": {
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Smith",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "pastOrdersCount": 51,
    "created": 1415273168,
    "accountId": "e520-ba9a-367-60b",
    "pastOrdersSum": 1702.5,
    "lastLoginIP": "",
    "registrationIP": ""
  "additionalIdentifiers": {
    "merchant": {
      "merchantDomain": "",
      "merchantId": "eh629dK9",
      "merchantName": "Handbags Express Discounts"
    "paymentGatewayId": "5TG23432562",
    "splitOrderIds": [
    "isSplitOrder": true,
    "additionalOrderId": "4306795"
  "additionalInformation": {},
  "totalDiscount": {
    "couponCodeUsed": "FATHERSDAY2015",
    "discountType": "COUPON"

Adaptive Auth Transaction API Response

The Adaptive Auth Transaction API response will contain Forter's decision and applicable recommendations (for policy enforcement, 3DS, or PSD2).

We may ask the merchant to make an additional API call post-auth in order to provide an updated decision after supplemental data such as AVS/CVV check and 3DS data are available

  "forterDecision": "APPROVE",
  "recommendation": "",
  "verificationMethod": {
    "verificationId": "96662dc0-3c92-427c-b6ab-05d5bb684ba6",
    "correlationId": "2022-09-16T200920526-eb7f9e9d-v3",
    "type": "THREE_DS",
    "status": "FRICTIONLESS",
    "verificationSpecificData": {
      "ThreeDS": {
        "threeDSServerTransID": "4af93513-6223-43bf-8b76-2dd523a1e858",
        "version": "2.2.0",
        "encodedChallengeRequest": null,
        "ACSUrl": null,
        "ECIValue": "02",
        "authenticationValue": "kCPNKcfc/ZWHwBiHKhh4o4QBbCGQ",
        "cardEnrolled": "Y",
        "cavvAlgorithm": null,
        "transStatus": "Y",
        "challengeStatus": "Y",
        "verifyStatus": null,
        "transStatusReason": null,
        "dsTransID": "c51685a4-4b4f-4d56-106-4e2a066b57d5",
        "acsTransID": "c51685a4-4b4f-4d56-106-4e2a066b57d5",
        "sdkTransID": null,
        "challengeCancel": null,
        "interactionCounter": null,
        "messageCategory": null,
        "acsReferenceNumber": "3DS_LOA_DIS_MAST_131311_00281",
        "acsSignedContent": null,
        "authenticationType": null,
        "acsChallengeMandated": null,
        "exemption": null,
        "outOfScopeForPSD2": null,
        "isFallback": false,
        "bankLiabilityShift": true,
        "threeDSecureMode": "frictionless",
        "threeDSecureResult": null,
        "threeDSecurePreference": "nopref"
  "decisionReason": "SuspiciousPastActivity",
  "orderId": "171abcde",
  "linkToEventInDashboard": ""