Chargeback Recovery Integration Overview
This overview outlines the integration you will need to complete in order to launch Chargeback Recovery.
Forter's Chargeback Recovery offers an end-to-end recovery solution that automates the chargeback process to dispute and win more chargebacks.
Integration Steps
Step 1: Establish Processor Access
Provide Forter with access to your PSP accounts through which you fight chargebacks.
Step 2: Setup webhooks
Create webhooks with each PSP to send Forter information on your disputes.
Step 3: Setup rebuttal letter template
In order to customize your rebuttal letter template to your business, Forter needs a few assets that will be used in the recovery process.
Note: Please engage the product/business point of contact to complete this step.
Step 4: Select business policies
Forter Chargeback Recovery offers flexibility and customization that tailors to your business needs, priority, and chargeback management strategy. You can choose one or more representment workflow types so Forter can effectively prioritize your claims.
Note: Please engage the product/business point of contact to complete this step.
With Forter's Chargeback Recovery Evidence API, you can automate the evidence upload workflow for chargeback representment by sending post-order evidence to complete representments.
Step 6: Data Validation
Forter will begin data validation to ensure all necessary data and dispute identifiers are in place. If there are any data gaps that must be addressed your IM will reach out to you with further details and next steps to address the issue.
Step 7: Merchant Portal Training
Forter team will provide you a portal training and overview to get your team familiar with the Chargeback Recovery workflows.
Note: Please engage the product/business point of contact to complete this step.
Step 8: Go Live!
You're live in the Chargeback Recovery solution!
The post go-live user guides provide instructions regarding product functionality, workflows, pro user tips, definitions, and formulas. If there is something not explained in the user guides please reach out to your Forter point of contact with any questions or concerns.
Updated 6 months ago