Adyen Additional Disputes Webhook for Chargeback Recovery

This guide details a step by step configuration process in your Adyen account to enable Forter to receive automatic notifications of chargebacks via Webhook. This configuration will streamline the process of chargeback ingestion and submission to and from Forter.

Merchants onboarding onto Forter's Chargeback Recovery should complete the instructions below in their Production Adyen Instance.

Log In to your Live Customer Area

Webhook Settings

  1. Go to Developers > Webhooks

  2. In the upper right corner, click the Webhook button.

  1. In Standard notification click the Add button.

  1. For General configuration details go to the Forter Integration Center to complete the Server Configuration instructions.

  1. Click on Merchant Accounts. Note: If a new merchant account is added, you should repeat this step

  2. Select the relevant merchant accounts and click Apply

  1. Send merchant account codes to Forter

  2. Click on Events

    1. Click on Select all on the bottom left corner

    2. Click on Apply on the bottom right corner

  3. In Security configuration:

  1. Click Apply

  2. Send the HMAC to Forter via secure S3 bucket transfer. Ensure the credentials are saved under the file naming convention "JCBR-merchantName-processorName" where processorName is a placeholder for which processor these keys are for (ex. "JCBR-merchantName-Adyen")

  3. Click Save changes at the bottom of the page.