Batch Account Updater
Batch Account Updater is not enabled by default, please reach out to your account manager to activate.
How to upload a file
You can use Forter's Batch Account Updater by uploading a batch file securely via File Account Transfer to your designated S3 bucket.
- Obtain your credentials from your account manager.
- In case you're not using Forter Tokens, upload your public GPG key to
. This key will be used to encrypt your response file. - Upload your file to:
Sandbox: account-updater/sandbox/in
Production: account-updater/production/in
Note that the maximum file size should be 1GB.
- The response file will be available at
typically after 72 hours. For sandbox it can take up to a few minutes.
File Structure
Forter simplifies the process of generating the Account Updater file format required by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. You only need to provide a straightforward .csv
file containing Forter tokens or card numbers and expiration dates. Forter returns the Account Updater response file in the same format.
Forter Tokens
Forter Token |
ftr1d8a56cfa6b3745a39e4a42d5ab1048c8 |
ftr12241491181084ba18ef5eb79b2af1ac3 |
Standalone PCI (PCI AOC required)
Card Number | Expiry date (MMYY) | Sequence number (optional) |
4111111111111111 | 0127 | 01 |
5454545454545454 | 0227 | 02 |
Response File Structure
Forter Tokens
Forter Token | Updated Last 4 | Updated Expiration | Response Code |
ftr1d8a56cfa6b3745a39e4a42d5ab1048c8 | 3254 | 0329 | ACCOUNT_NUMBER_UPDATED |
ftr12241491181084ba18ef5eb79b2af1ac3 | NO_UPDATE |
Standalone PCI (PCI AOC required)
Card Number | Expiration date | Sequence number (optional) | Updated Card Number | Updated Expiration | Response Code |
4111111111111111 | 0127 | 01 | 4111111111112222 | 0229 | ACCOUNT_NUMBER_UPDATED |
5454545454545454 | 0227 | 02 | NO_UPDATE |
Response Codes
Code | Description |
NO_UPDATE | No update available |
ACCOUNT_EXPIRATION_UPDATED | The expiration date has been updated |
ACCOUNT_NUMBER_UPDATED | The card number was updated, possibly along the expiration date |
ACCOUNT_IS_CLOSED | Account is no longer available for processing |
CONTACT_CARDHOLDER | The consumer has requested not to have account details updated |
NO_MATCH | There is no known update available. Currently the card brand may not have a matching card on file, potentially because there is no update |
INVALID_CARD_TYPE | The merchant was not enrolled with the card brand for which this card is being requested for updates |
ERROR | An error occurred |
Batch Account Updater testing is possible using the sandbox environment.
- Create a batch file using test cards.
- Tokenize the test cards beforehand if you use Forter tokens.
- Encrypt the file using Forter's public key if you use standalone PCI card numbers.
- Upload the batch file to your secure bucket, to the
folder - The response file will be available after a few moments in the
Test cards
- 4444555566660014 - NO_UPDATE
- 4444555566660030 - ACCOUNT_NUMBER_UPDATED
- 4444555566660048 - ACCOUNT_IS_CLOSED
- 4444555566660055 - CONTACT_CARDHOLDER
- 4444555566660071 - NO_MATCH
- 4444555566660063 - ERROR
Updated 3 months ago