Batch Account Updater


Batch Account Updater is not enabled by default, please reach out to your account manager to activate.

How to upload a file

You can use Forter's Batch Account Updater by uploading a batch file securely via File Account Transfer to your designated S3 bucket.

  1. Obtain your credentials from your account manager.
  2. In case you're not using Forter Tokens, upload your public GPG key to account-updater/{ENV}/keys/public.asc. This key will be used to encrypt your response file.
  3. Upload your file to:

Sandbox: account-updater/sandbox/in
Production: account-updater/production/in

Note that the maximum file size should be 1GB.

  1. The response file will be available at account-updater/{ENV}/outtypically after 72 hours. For sandbox it can take up to a few minutes.

File Structure

Forter simplifies the process of generating the Account Updater file format required by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. You only need to provide a straightforward .csv file containing Forter tokens or card numbers and expiration dates. Forter returns the Account Updater response file in the same format.

Forter Tokens

Forter Token

Standalone PCI (PCI AOC required)

Card NumberExpiry date (MMYY)Sequence number (optional)

Response File Structure

Forter Tokens

Forter TokenUpdated Last 4Updated ExpirationResponse Code

Standalone PCI (PCI AOC required)

Card NumberExpiration dateSequence number (optional)Updated Card NumberUpdated ExpirationResponse Code

Response Codes

NO_UPDATENo update available
ACCOUNT_EXPIRATION_UPDATEDThe expiration date has been updated
ACCOUNT_NUMBER_UPDATEDThe card number was updated, possibly along the expiration date
ACCOUNT_IS_CLOSEDAccount is no longer available for processing
CONTACT_CARDHOLDERThe consumer has requested not to have account details updated
NO_MATCHThere is no known update available. Currently the card brand may not have a matching card on file, potentially because there is no update
INVALID_CARD_TYPEThe merchant was not enrolled with the card brand for which this card is being requested for updates
ERRORAn error occurred


Batch Account Updater testing is possible using the sandbox environment.

  1. Create a batch file using test cards.
    1. Tokenize the test cards beforehand if you use Forter tokens.
    2. Encrypt the file using Forter's public key if you use standalone PCI card numbers.
  2. Upload the batch file to your secure bucket, to the account-updater/sandbox/in folder
  3. The response file will be available after a few moments in the account-updater/sandbox/out folder

Test cards

  • 4444555566660014 - NO_UPDATE
  • 4444555566660022 - ACCOUNT_EXPIRATION_UPDATED
  • 4444555566660030 - ACCOUNT_NUMBER_UPDATED
  • 4444555566660048 - ACCOUNT_IS_CLOSED
  • 4444555566660055 - CONTACT_CARDHOLDER
  • 4444555566660071 - NO_MATCH
  • 4444555566660063 - ERROR