Incorporate Forter's client components into your website and application.
Client Components for the Fraud Solution
Javascript for your website
Add in every web page, before the closing tag, the Forter Fraud JS. The script can be provided by our integration team.
Make sure to include in the script your ${siteId}
which is available in the Settings are in Forter Portal. Note there is a different siteId for Sandbox and Live environments.
In case the website enforces a CSP, please make sure Forter rules are whitelisted (the rules can be provided by by our integration team) and set the csp
field inside the merchantConfig object to true.
Mobile SDKs for your App
See here Forter's client components for iOS, Android, React Native, Flutter and Hybrid Apps with Webview.
Client Components for the 3DS Solution
The 3DS Client Components are used in the 3DS Initialization and 3DS Challenge phases for easier integration
3DS Javascript for your website
Add Forter's checkoutTools library to your checkout page, wherever the card entry iframe is located. The script should be pasted directly before the closing HTML tag. Note that this should not override or conflict any other existing Forter JavaScript snippets already on the site. The script can be provided by our integration team.
<script type="text/javascript" data-site-id="{Your Forter site ID}" id="checkoutTools__script" src="https://sdk.checkouttools.com/v1.2/tds.js"> </script>
*Note: do not remove any existing Forter javascript snippets*
Mobile SDKs / JS for your App
If your application is developed using native code, utilize the native SDKs for seamless integration. See here
For non-native applications(React Native/Flutter) using a WebView , the addition of the 3DS JS to your checkout page covers also apps that incorporate hybrid or mobile browsers.
Updated 2 months ago