Select business policies
Forter Chargeback Recovery offers flexibility and customization that tailors to your business needs, priority, and chargeback management strategy. You can choose one or more of these Representment workflow types. The goal is to streamline chargeback management operations and ensure analyst teams can effectively prioritize claims.
Step 5: Select business policies
Recommendation Definitions
Forter provides three types of recommendations to help determine which chargebacks to dispute based on cyber intelligence, shopper history, and buyer + order data collected in the initial transaction.
Forter Recommendation | Description |
Ready to Dispute | There is sufficient evidence to fight this chargeback and Forter recommends submitting the rebuttal letter. Example: Forter recommends the chargeback is ready to dispute because the merchant has provided supporting evidence AND/OR Forter still recommends submitting the rebuttal letter due to the high amount threshold. |
Provide Evidence | There is not enough evidence to confidently fight this claim and based on the reason code Forter recommends the merchant provide more evidence to increase the likelihood of winning this claim. Example: There is sufficient Forter evidence to assume the chargeback is 1st party fraud/friendly fraud AND Forter recommends the merchant provide additional evidence to help win the chargeback. |
Do not Dispute | Forter system has determined this is a chargeback that is not worth fighting due to low amount thresholds or the merchant should not fight this chargeback due to the risk of upsetting a good customer who rightfully submitted a chargeback due to true fraud. Example: Forter recommends not fight this claim because the claim is closed in the processor or there is insufficient evidence, or Forter believes the original transaction was true fraud. |
Representment Submission Workflow Definitions
Forter Chargeback experts recommend setting at least one or more of these workflow options. Please take some time to review these options with your team to decide how you want to proceed.
Workflow Option | Description |
Automatic | When a recommendation is Ready to Dispute, the representment will be automatically submitted either if A) All Relevant Evidence is uploaded or if B) representment has reached 48 hours before dispute due date. The merchant can also accelerate the submission at any time by clicking on the ‘dispute' button. Example: As a merchant, I want my claims below $200 to be automatically disputed according to Forter’s recommendation. |
Manual | Merchant uploads at least the minimum recommended evidence and indicates the representment is ready for submission manually, by clicking the “Dispute” button. Example: As a merchant, I want my claims larger than $500 with sufficient evidence to follow the manual submission flow. |
- Merchants can use both submission types and decide different criteria for each. For example - dispute automatically up to $1,000 and over - wait for a manual submission.
- Business Policies can be updated or reviewed at any time, please reach out to your CSM with your policy request.
What we need from you
Provide Forter the business policies you would like to implement into your chargeback recovery workflow. You can update, remove, or add new business policies at any time by reaching out to your CSM.
Below are the options you are required to select from. You can share your selections with your Forter point of contact via email or a meeting.
Representment Submission Workflow Options
Flow Type & Thresholds
◯ I would like automatic submission for chargebacks with minimum amount of [ ] and maximum amount of [ ] (for no maximum amount, enter “N/A”). Any chargebacks outside this range will need to be manually submitted by my team via the Forter dashboard.
◯ I would like manual submission for ALL chargebacks. This means no disputes will be dispatched automatically, only those that I manually select to dispute.
Supporting Evidence Threshold
I can commit to providing evidence for all chargebacks with minimum threshold greater than [ ]. Forter will recommend to Provide Evidence and wait for my evidence before dispatching disputes for chargebacks above this amount.
It is highly recommended to match this threshold to the automatic minimum amount specified above, in #1.
If Supporting Evidence threshold does not match my Automatic submission minimum amount, any automatic submissions below this threshold will be immediately dispatched based on Forter’s recommendation with no opportunity to upload evidence.
I will still be able to upload evidence for manually submitted chargebacks, regardless of the Supporting Evidence threshold above.
Submission Based on Forter’s Recommendation
Ready to Dispute - Forter is ready to submit this dispute
Provide Evidence - Forter recommends the merchant to provide more evidence (Proof of Delivery, etc.) This recommendation will only appear for claims above the Evidence threshold defined above in #2.
Do not Dispute - Forter recommends not to dispute this chargeback because there are no signs of true fraudulent activity and we risk upsetting a good customer.
◯ I would like to listen to Forter’s recommendations. This means automatic submissions will only dispatch if Forter recommendation is Ready to Dispute. If Forter recommendation is Provide Evidence, recommendation will recalculate 48 hours before the dispute due date and automatically listen to the final recommendation of Ready to Dispute/Do not Dispute.
◯ I would not like to listen to Forter’s recommendations. This means automatic submissions will dispatch once Forter makes a final recommendation (i.e. not “Provide Evidence”.)
For manual submissions, I can decide when to listen to Forter’s recommendations or not.
Notes (please make any notes or comments here):
What are the available evidence types?
Available Evidence are the evidence types that the merchant declares at onboarding (one time effort) that they can provide out of all the available evidences Forter supports. Forter Onboarding team will update your integration with the appropriate available evidence(s).
Available Evidence is used in the recommendation engine to know what documents to wait for.
Please fill out the worksheet below and clearly indicate whether an evidence type is available or not available.
This data should have been filled out in the MDP earlier in the sales stage.
Updated 5 months ago