Setup rebuttal letter template
Forter’s Chargeback Recovery solution offers flexibility and customization that tailors to your business’ needs, priorities, and strategy. In order to get your dispute templates ready for submission, we will need you to send us your static evidence for Forter to include in the representment letters.
Step 3: Provide static elements for your letter templates
What is Static Evidence?
Static evidence are elements of a merchants representment letters that do not change based on chargeback reason codes. Since the static evidence does not change from case to case, Forter embeds these into the merchants representment letter templates. Please follow the requirements when gathering each component in order to keep the letter in a readable size, visualization and clarity:
Below are the four evidence types and a brief description of each. Gather each of the following below and then follow the instructions in the Forter Portal Integration Center to complete the final step by securely sharing these materials with Forter.
Note #1: Covered merchants only need to provide Merchant Description and Merchant Logo. Uncovered merchants must provide all 4 components listed below.
Note #2: If you have more than one brand on separate sites, please ensure to send this static evidence for each brand.
Merchant description - Brief description of what the merchant does in max 2 sentences; can be taken directly from your website or a custom description of the nature of the business. Please avoid any marketing type of text (promotions and benefits). Save the file as .txt file.
Merchant Logo - A visual image of the merchant logo to be used on the represented template. Size max width of 350 px and max length of 100 px; type png or jpeg; on a white background.
Purchase flow - An image (png/jpg) example of where the users agree to the T&C (during signup/login/checkout page etc) as part of using your service. Often this is a checkbox presented to the user before or during the payment step of the purchase flow or a pop screen stating that by using the site the users agree to the T&Cs.
Terms &Conditions - Highlights/summary of the T&Cs focusing on Refunds, Credit, Returns, Replacements, Cancellations, Recurring Payments (if relevant) policies. Make sure the length of the T&C doesn’t exceed 10 pages, as some processors limit file size or length for the dispute letters. Exceeding the file size limit could prevent dispute letter submissions.
Please upload the required documents to your AWS S3 folder, please keep the file names as follows:
- toc.jpg or toc.pdf
- logo.jpg
- purchase-flow.jpg
- description.txt
Once the file is uploaded, we will automatically add it to the letter. If changes need to be made, please reach out to your Forter point of contact.
Updated 4 months ago